Domicile » Des produits » Sac dans la boîte » L'emballage liquide met en sac le sac de 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L dans la boîte pour le sac d'eau de boisson de jus dans le vin de boîte

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L'emballage liquide met en sac le sac de 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L dans la boîte pour le sac d'eau de boisson de jus dans le vin de boîte

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Bag-in-box compostable refers to a packaging solution that consists of a bag made from compostable materials enclosed within a box. This type of packaging is designed to be environmentally friendly and is intended to break down into natural elements through composting, reducing its impact on the environment.

Compostable materials used in bag-in-box packaging are typically made from renewable resources, such as plant-based materials like cornstarch, sugarcane, or cellulose derived from wood. These materials are biodegradable and can break down into organic matter in a composting environment, without leaving behind harmful residues or microplastics.


The box component of the bag-in-box packaging is typically made from cardboard, which is also biodegradable and can be recycled or composted after use. The box provides structural support and may also be used for branding, labeling, and handling purposes.

Bag-in-box compostable packaging is commonly used for a variety of products, including food and beverages, household and personal care products, and industrial applications. It is often used as an alternative to traditional plastic packaging, which can have a negative environmental impact due to its non-biodegradable nature and potential for pollution.


When using bag-in-box compostable packaging, it's important to follow proper composting practices and dispose of it in a designated composting facility or composting system. This ensures that the packaging can break down naturally and contribute to soil enrichment without causing harm to the environment. It's also important to check for certifications or standards, such as the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certification, to ensure that the bag-in-box packaging meets recognized compostability standards.


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